

What is Path

The path object contains a sequence of connected anchor points, which are joined by cubic bezier curves (straight or curved segments) .

Here are a few key aspects of paths:

  • Anchor Points: the starting and ending points of the curve segments.
  • Bezier Handles: the control points determine the tangent and curvature of the curve segments.
  • Curve Segments: these are the bezier curves that connect the anchor points.

Draw Basic Shapes


  1. Select the line tool in the toolbar or press \.
  2. Click once on the canvas where you want start a line.
  3. Hold down the mouse button and move your cursor to a point where you want stop the line.
  4. Release the mouse button to create the line.

Modifier Keys

  • shift constrain the line to a straight angle (horizontal, vertical, or 45 degrees).


  1. Select the arc tool in the toolbar.
  2. Click on the canvas where you want start a arc.
  3. Hold down the mouse button and move your cursor to a point where you want stop the arc.
  4. Release the mouse button and click again at another point to define the curvature of the arc and create the arc.


  1. Select the rectangle tool in the toolbar or press m.
  2. Click on the canvas to define the starting point of the rectangle.
  3. Hold down the mouse button and move your cursor to define the size of the rectangle.
  4. Release the mouse button to create the rectangle.

Modifier Keys

  • shift create a square.
  • alt/option create a rectangle or square from the center.


  1. Select the ellipse tool in the toolbar or press l.
  2. Click and drag a bounding box to define the position and size of the ellipse.
  3. Release the mouse button to create the ellipse.

Modifier Keys

  • shift create a circle.
  • alt/option create an ellipse or circle from the center.


  1. Select the polygon tool in the toolbar or press y.
  2. In the polygon panel, you can adjust the number of sides of the polygon.
  3. Click on the canvas to define the center of the polygon.
  4. Hold down the mouse button and move your cursor to define the radius of the polygon.
  5. Release the mouse button to create the polygon.


  1. Select the star tool in the toolbar or press s.
  2. In the polygon panel, you can adjust the number of sides and ratio between inner and outer radius of the star.
  3. Do the same as drawing a polygon.

Draw Paths with the Pen Tool

  1. Select the pen tool in the toolbar or press p.
  2. Click on a blank area in the canvas to create the first anchor point.
  3. To create a curved segment, hold down the mouse button and drag away from the anchor point.
  4. Release the mouse button to create the bezier handle.
  5. Move your cursor to a point where your want to add the next anchor point.
  6. Repeat the steps above to add more anchor points to the path.
  7. To close the path, click the first anchor point to close it.
  8. To finish drawing the path, press ctrl/command and click on the blank area of the canvas.

Edit Paths with the Pen Tool

Select the pen tool in the toolbar or press p.

Insert or Delete Anchor Points

  1. Hover your cursor over a selected path.
  2. Click the curve segments of the path to add new anchor points.
  3. Click the anchor points of the path to remove them from the path.

Connect Paths

  1. Click the endpoint of the first path you want to connect.
  2. Click the endpoint of the second path you want to connect with.

Continue Paths

To continue adding points to a path, click the endpoint of the open path you want to continue.

Edit Paths with the Direct Selection Tool

To activate the direct selection tool, you can either

  • Click the direct selection tool in the toolbar
  • Or press ctrl/command while drawing paths using the pen tool.

Move Anchor Points

Do one of the following:

  1. Click and drag the points to a new position.
  2. Enter a new position in the transform panel.

You can also align and distribute the points using the commands in the align panel.


Modifier Keys

  • shift constrain the movement to multiples of 45 degrees.

Move Bezier Handles

  1. Select the anchor points you want to modify.
  2. To move a handle, simply click and drag one of the direction handles of an anchor point.

Modifier Keys

  • shift constrain the angle to multiples of 45 degrees or snap to the tangent of curve segments.
  • alt/option drag the handle individually, it helps you to convert a smooth point to a corner.

Remove Anchor Points

Unlike deleting points from the paths, this command removes also the curve segments the points belong to.

Select one or more anchor points, then do one of the following:

  • Press backspace or delete on the keyboard.
  • Click Remove Anchor Points in the anchors panel.

Convert to Corner Points

To clear the handles of the selected points, select one or more points, then do one of the following:

  • Hold down Alt and click at an anchor point.
  • Click Convert to Corner Points in the anchors panel to convert all selected points to corner.

Convert to Smooth Points

To add two collinear handles to form a smooth point, select one or more points, then do one of the following:

  • Hold down Alt and click at an anchor point.
  • Click Convert to Smooth Points in the anchors panel to convert all selected points to smooth.

Cut Paths

To open a closed path or split paths at selected anchor points:

  1. Select one or more anchor points.
  2. With the direct selection tool active, in the anchors panel, click Cut Paths.

Join Paths

  1. Select two endpoints from one or two open paths.

  2. Do one of the following to join the paths:

    • Press Ctrl + J on the keyboard.
    • In the anchors panel, click Join Paths.

If the both endpoints belong to the same path, the belonging path will be closed.

Quick Join Paths

  1. Select one or more open paths.
  2. Press Ctrl + J on the keyboard.

If only one path is selected, the path will be closed by its first and last points.

Trim Paths with the Trim Tool

The trim tool lets you to trim selected paths by their crossing points.

  1. Select two or more paths.
  2. Select the trim tool from the toolbar.
  3. Drag your mouse across the curves you want to trim off.

Draw Shapes with the Shape Builder Tool

The shape builder tool allows you to create complex paths in a quick and intuitive way.

  1. Select two or more paths.
  2. Select the shape builder tool from the toolbar.
  3. Click and drag across the sub-regions to exact them from the selected paths and merge into the resulting shape.
  4. Release the mouse button to create the shape.

Boolean Operations

Select two or more paths, then in the path finder panel in the right sidebar, click one of the following commands:

  • Union: this operation combines multiple paths into a single path.
  • Subtract Front Path: this operation subtracts the most front path from the path(s) behind it.
  • Intersect Overlap: this operation creates a new path by retaining only the overlapping area of selected paths.
  • Exclude Overlap: this operation removes the overlapping area between paths, creating a new path with the non-overlapping areas.

Live Corners

With Live Corners, you can dynamically change the corner radius of paths, such as rectangles and polygons.

  1. Select one or more anchor points with the direct selection tool.
  2. Small circles will appear at the anchor points, which are connected by two straight lines or an arc and a straight line.
  3. Click and drag on one of the circles to adjust the corner radius interactively.
  4. In the round corners panel in the right sidebar, you can also manually type the corner radius.

Free Transform

The free transform tool allows you to shear, skew or distort the selected paths.

  1. Select one or more paths using the selection tool or the layers panel.
  2. Select the free transform tool in the toolbar or press e.
  3. To skew or shear the objects, click and drag one of the sides of the bounding box.
  4. To distort the objects freely, click and drag one of the corners of the bounding box.

Modifier Keys

  • alt/option Enable perspective distort.

Offset Paths

  1. Select one or more paths.

  2. Select Menu > Object > Path > Offset Paths.

  3. In the dialog box, you can set the options for the offset:

    • Offset: enter a positive number to offset the paths outwards, or a negative number to offset inwards.
    • Joins: select how the corners to be joined in the offset paths.
    • Miter Limit : the maximum allowed ratio of miter length to the offset.
    • Preview: enable the preview checkbox to offset the paths in real-time.
  4. Once you have set the options, click the "OK" button to create offset paths.

Smooth Paths

  1. Select one or more paths.
  2. Select Menu > Object > Path > Smooth Paths.
  3. In the dialog box, you can adjust the smoothness and select a smoothing method.
  4. Once you have set the options, click the "OK" button to apply the smoothing effect to the paths.

Blend Paths

  1. Select exactly two paths with same number of segments.
  2. Select Menu > Object > Path > Blend Paths.
  3. In the dialog box, you can enter the number of steps for the transition.
  4. Once you have set the option, click the "OK" button to create a smooth transition between two paths.

Simplify Paths

  1. Select one or more paths.
  2. Select Menu > Object > Path > Simplify Paths.
  3. In the dialog box, you can adjust the tolerance, which determines the simplicity of the resulting path.
  4. Once you have set the option, click the "OK" button to simplify the selected paths.

Outline strokes

Select Menu > Object > Path > Outline Stroke, this command will convert the stroke of a path into a separate path that you can edit independently.